
Welcome to stabilEarth, the industry leaders in chemical soil stabilization.

If your looking for post construction remediation or pre-construction stabilization, our engineer can assist you with developing a treatment plan to assure a successful project. Contact us with your project details and let our staff assist you with your residential or commercial job.


Supporting Data

Wet Soils-Difficult Access For Construction

1993, Arizona Department of Transportation, H. Eugene Hansen, P.E.

“It is evident from the experience of the construction personnel at the site that the Condor SS treatment was very effective in preventing or limiting instability of the clay soils during construction.”

1991, The Hamstra Group, Inc., Eric Carlson

“I feel I made a very wise decision in having you do the stabilization with your product in lieu of lime…This definitely was a big time saver and allowed me to work on the site immediately after rain…”


2009, Coleman Consulting, Jesse E. Coleman, Jr., P.E.

“I have consistently recommended the use of Condor SS over the past 15 years… throughout Texas, Oklahoma, Alabama and overseas locations.  The criterion for performing very well is the reduction of swell to one inch (1.0) or less within the treated/stabilized zone…generally accepted by most Architects and Structural Engineers…”

1992, Professional Services Industries, Inc., Robert P. Arias, P.E.

“75% reduction in swell after 27 day curing period.”

1984, Multnomah County Oregon, Tor Lyshaug, P.E., Director

“…took place in 1968-1969…It has been our experience and my observation so far that we have yet to find a condition where we have applied Condor SS to soils with sufficient clay content that the stabilization so  far has not been of a permanent nature.”

1992, Non-Standard Stabilizers, USDA Forest Service, US Department of Transportation and Federal Highway Administration

“…is highly effective in permanently reducing the moisture content in expansive clays, eliminating subgrade and foundation problems…The change is permanent and the clay mass becomes insensitive to variations in moisture.  When well compacted it can provide bearing equivalent to solid rock.”

Condor Soil Stabilizer vs Lime

1989, AT Laboratories, Inc., Troy J. Looney

“Condor SS is equal to hydrated lime as used in a soil stabilization process to reduce shrinkage and swelling.”

Condor Soil Stabilizer vs Soil Cement Treatment

1991, NASA, Lt. Col. Gary L. Kratochvil, Geologic Science Advisor

“Condor SS will equal and surpass soil cement treat.”

Environmental Testing

2010, Test America, Brian Cone, CHMM

“…impact to the environment with regard to Condor products would be no more than that experienced by applying similar quantities of potable water that meets EPA drinking water standards.”

1991, State of California Department of Fish and Game, Michael E. Rugg, Assoc. Water Quality Biologist

“…use of dilute Condor SS, in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations for use directly on soil materials, would not pose a significant risk of violating either FGC 5650 (a) or (f).”

1985, Waterlab, Beth E. Myers

“…meets EPA drinking water allowable maximums.”