
Since 1974 Earth Science Products Corporation has employed a forward-looking manufacturing process that transforms petroleum waste products into environmentally safe chemicals that significantly improves clay soil surface and subsurface conditions and produces healthy soil conditions.
Condor® SS – Soil Stabilizer

Each year swelling or shrinking soils inflict over $2 billion in damages to houses, buildings, roads, levies, pipelines and other structures.  For over three decades now our laboratory tested Condor SS preserves environmentally safe solutions that prevent the damage caused by expansive clay based soils.

Condor® LR – Land Reclaimer

Laboratory tested Condor LR safely returns the hydrocarbon-contaminated soils to their original state while environmentally protecting the subsurface groundwater. Condor LR’s proprietary Bioremediation Process offers greater control in ex-situ methods and improved project costs for in-situ methods.

Condor® AG – Landlife

The Condor AG Landlife process breaks up clay and compacted soils by affecting the clay particles in the soil so that they can aggregate and behave more like normal soil particles. It is a safe, convenient, and effective way to obtain more useable soil while providing a better environment for utilizing existing soil nutrients.