Dense clay soil does not easily pass along moisture and necessary nutrients to plants, so it isn’t typically the best soil for growing. Unabsorbed fertilizers become bound to the soil and unavailable for plants to consume, causing a buildup of fertilizer salts over time. When the concentration becomes higher in the soil than in the root cells, the cell solution escapes into the soil (reverse osmosis). This hampers a plant’s ability to absorb water and nutrients. In this weakened state, the roots, and the plant as a whole, become weakened and susceptible to pests and soil-borne infections.
Another common problem occurs when a single crop is grown repeatedly. Harmful bacteria and insects which attack that particular crop, grow and expand in concentration, causing more damage to the crop.
The trace elements preferred by the specific crop (manganese, boron etc.), are absorbed completely by the plants, leaving only small amounts in the soil, further limiting the plants’ growth and eventual yield.
The toxins formed in each plant during growth are discharged into the soil and absorbed by the adjacent plants, causing autotoxemia.
The humus in the soil is reduced, becoming hard ground with poor drainage and low permeability. The lower permeability prevents much-needed oxygen from reaching roots.
Due to the excessive salts (residue), other nutrients and trace elements cannot be absorbed.
Another difficulty can arise when rainfall is excessive; the soil increases in acidity. And when common fertilizers are applied in excess, the soil will become very alkaline.
Solutions to some of these problems exist. Lime, for example, can help for soils that do not have a high clay content, but lime has a less than desirable environmental impact. It is also possible to purchase and haul in higher quality soil in some cases, but the cost can be high in many cases, and completely prohibitive for large applications such as farming.
A Better Solution – Regular Application of Condor AG – Landline
Condor AG – Landlife is a concentrated liquid that is mixed with water and applied in order to optimize or condition soil for growing plants. It is an “ionic exchange resin” that changes heavy or high clay content soils into a form more useable for farming, gardening, or landscaping.
Condor AG can be mixed with water and applied during irrigation or it can be sprayed on separately using a liquid applicator. In cases where there is a problem with surface water not properly draining into the ground, Condor AG concentrate can be mixed into the surface water. The treated water will drain into the soil and the soil having then been treated, will be freed of standing water for an extended period.
Condor AG increases the permeability of the soil, making it possible for water to be drawn more easily into roots. This can cause a dramatic decrease in irrigation expense since much less water is needed to maintain healthy growth. Further savings are made possible because Condor AG reduces the need for fertilization. This is made possible because Condor AG frees fertilizer salts that would otherwise be held by clay platelets in the soil.
With Condor AG you get better yields due to reduced disease and reduced toxicity. You get more efficient use of available moisture and nutrients.
- Condor AG’s unique oxidizing action provides ideal conditions for helpful bacteria which in turn reduces the proliferation of harmful bacteria.
- One ingredient present in large quantities in Condor AG is organic carbon, which serves to help bring bring the soil particles together to form granules with help facilitate root growth and the flow of water.
- Soil Ph is normalized when hydrogen ions in acidic soil is replaced by anions from Condor AG and cations in Condor AG are combined with hydroxide ions in alkaline soils.
Results with Condor AG can be obtained quickly an easily. You can use your irrigation system or spray it on separately. Initial results can be seen in a few short days. Maximum effects require 6-8 weeks.
Condor AG is used for:
- Row crops
- Vineyards
- Trees and Orchards
- Golf courses
- Sports fields
- Municipalities
- Parks
- Yards
- Gardens
Environmentally Friendly
Condor AG has been tested and approved by the State of California Natural Resources Agency. In its diluted form it meets U.S. Environmental Protection Agency requirements for drinking water.